Ynex - Folder Structure

Folder Structure

Folders Description
  • Ynex - Tailwind CSS Admin Dashboard Template / : Root template folder contain all js, scss, images and other files.
    • app/ : For server-side routing, you can use Next.js's API routes feature.
      • (components)/: A grouping folder for three layouts. The parentheses indicate a grouping, not a route itself.
        • (authenticationlayout)/ : A grouping folder for authentication-related pages.
        • (contentlayout)/ : A grouping folder for components.
        • (landingpagelayout)/ : A grouping folder for landing pages.
      • api/: Serverless API route to handle contact form submissions.
      • global.scss/ :Global scss file applied to all pages.
      • layout.scss/ : Defines a layout that wraps all pages. Useful for common components like headers or footers.
      • not-found.scss/ :app/not-found handles global unmatched URLs.
      • page.js/ : The root index page component for your application.
      • Prelinescript.js/ : Script to import or call preline.
    • public/
      • assets/:Stores static assets like images, accessible via /public/assets
    • shared/ :Reusable components and Data files that can be used across multiple pages.
    • eslintrtc.json : ESLint configuration file.
    • gitignore : Specifies intentionally untracked files to ignore.
    • next-config.js : Configuration file for customizing your Next.js setup.
    • package.json : Contains metadata about the project and its dependencies.
    • postcss.config.js : PostCSS configuration file.
    • README.md : Project documentation and instructions.
    • tailwind.config.js : Tailwind CSS configuration file.
  • Creating Routes


    Each folder within the /app directory corresponds to a route. For example:

    • /app/(components)/(contentlayout)/advanced-ui/accordions&collapse/page.js corresponds to the /accordions&collapse route.
    Nested Routes

    To create nested routes, simply nest folders. For example:

    • /app/(components)/(contentlayout)/advanced-ui/accordions&collapse/page.js corresponds to the /accordions&collapse route under the contentlayout grouping.
    • layout.js in the /app directory defines a global layout.
    • You can create nested layouts by adding a layout.js file in subdirectories.
    • Parentheses around a folder name indicate a grouping and do not affect the route structure but help in organizing related routes.