StaterKit Guide

Purpose of a starter kit
Introduction to the NextJS Starter Kit Template:

The NextJS template starterkit is a resource that helps developers kickstart their NextJS web development projects by providing a preconfigured and ready-to-use template. It aims to simplify the initial setup and provide a foundation for building NextJS-based websites or applications.

Purpose of the NextJS Starter Kit Template:

The purpose of the NextJS Starter Kit Template is to save developers time and effort by offering a set of prebuilt files and configurations commonly used in NextJS projects. Instead of starting from scratch, developers can leverage the starter kit to quickly set up a project structure that adheres to best practices and industry standards.

Benefits of Using the NextJS Starter Kit Template:

The starter kit eliminates the need to set up the basic project structure manually. It provides a well-organized file and folder structure, including commonly used directories for separating code, templates, assets, and configuration files. This allows developers to focus more on implementing business logic rather than spending time on initial setup.
Before using the NextJS Starter Kit Template, developers should have a basic understanding of NextJS and web development concepts.

Starterkit Overview

You can use the Starterkit if you are creating a new project. It will be time-consuming to use the full admin version for a new project as Nowa-ts have more than 250 components.

We have provided all the pre-build layouts like Sidemenu, Header, footer and blank pages etc in the Starterkit.

For further information or support regarding the template, please contact us using the provided link.
Starterkit Folder Structure

								├── pages/
								|   ├── api/
								|   ├── components/
								|   ├── _app.tsx
								|   ├── _document.tsx
								|   ├── index.tsx
								|   └── plugin.d.ts
								├── public/
								|   ├── assets/
								|   |   ├── css/
								|   |   ├── iconfonts
								|   |   ├── images
								|   |   ├── libs
								|   |   ├── scss
								|   |   └── video
								├── shared/
								|   ├── data/
								|   ├── firebase/     
								|   ├── layout-components/
								|   ├── redux/
								|   ├── services/
								|   └── showcode/
								├── styles/
								├── eslintrc.json
								├── .gitignore
								├── tsconfig.json
								├── next-env.d.ts
								├── next.config.js
								├── package-lock.json
								├── package.json
  • Take a quick look at the folder structure of the "Starterkit."
  • Integration of your customized NextJS pages becomes easy when using the "Starterkit."
  • The "Starterkit" provides all the layout components, related assets, and plugins.
  • To explore the contents of the "Starterkit," unzip the project folder received after purchase.