Folder Structure

							├── pages/
							|   ├── api
							|   |   ├── hello.ts
							|   ├── components/
							|   ├── _app.tsx
							|   ├── _document.tsx
							|   ├── index.tsx
							|   └── plugin.d.ts
							├── public/
							|   ├── assets/
							|   ├── favicon.ico
							|   ├── next.svg
							|   └── vercel.svg
							├── shared/
							|   ├── data/
							|   ├── firebase/
							|   ├── layout-components/
							|       ├── footer/
							|       ├── header/
							|       ├── layout/
							|           ├── content-layout.tsx
							|           ├── custompageslayout.tsx
							|           └── landingpagelayout.tsx
							|       ├── pageheader/
							|       ├── seo/
							|       ├── sidebar/
							|       ├── switcher/
							|       └── tab-to-top/
							|    ├── redux/
							|    └── showcode/
							├── styles/
							|   ├── globals.scss
							├── .eslintrc.json
							├── .gitignore
							├── next-env.d.ts
							├── tsconfig.json
							├── next.config.js
							├── package-lock.json
							├── package.json
Folders Description
  • Valex - Nextjs Admin & Dashboard Template / : Root template folder contain all js, css, scss, images and other files.
  • assets/ : Folder contain all the Admin Template assets which has css, js, scss, and images.
    • css/: Folder contain assets which has complete styles.
      • style : Main style sheet for template.
    • images/ : Template images.
    • scss/ : Folder contain all pages scss files which includes dark-theme,rtl,menustyles,headerstyles etc.
    • _switcher.scss : file contain switcher styles.
  • bootstrap.scss : this file conatins the bootstrap styles.