Xintra – NextJS Typescript App-Router React-Bootstrap Admin & Dashboard Template

Xintra – NextJS Typescript App-Router React-Bootstrap Admin & Dashboard Template, With these template formats, it's very easy to create a presence and grab someone's attention around the web page Because the template is built using NextJS, CSS3, React-Bootstrap framework and with Sass. So please before you start working with the template take a quick look on the documentation so that you can easily built your website.

If You Love Our Template Design Please don't forgot to rate it. Thank you so much! 😊

Welcome to Xintra - NextJs TypeScript App-Router React-Bootstrap Admin & Dashboard Template
  • Created Date : 25/Nov/2024
  • Author : Spruko
  • Company : Spruko Technologies Private Limited

Thank you for showing interest towards our admin template. Feel free to contact us any time. We have a dedicated team to provide you the best support. If you want any queries open support ticket

Template Description

Xintra is a NextJS Typescript App-Router React-Bootstrap Admin Template using modern and minimal design. It is fully flexible user-friendly and responsive. Xintra Modern template is powered with NextJS Pages, SASS, & React-Bootstrap which looks great on Desktops, Tablets, and Mobile Devices. This Template Includes 180+ NextJS Pages . No Need to do hard work for this template customization. We already designed it and you can easily design your website just how you like it. This template using React-Bootstrap framework. After Purchased this template you will get All tsx files,CSS, Scss and TSX Files.

It has super clean flat user interface admin design, easy customizable components and widgets.The Template comes with a awesome unique design also we ensure you can easily design template.

It is a fully responsive layout for all type of devices. Works on all major web browsers, Desktop, iPhone, iPad, Tablet and all other smart phone devices

Once you Purchase Xintra NextJS Typescript App-Router React-Bootstrap Admin Template, you will be able to get free download of all future updates.

Browser Compatibility
  • Firefox
  • Safari
  • Opera
  • Chrome
  • Edge
Switcher Features
Theme Styles
  • Light & Dark Themes
  • LTR & RTL
  • Vertical & Horizontal Navigation Styles
  • Menu Click & Hover Styles
  • Icon Click & Hover Styles
  • Page Regular, Classic & Modern Styles
  • Full Width & Boxed
  • Menu Fixed & Scrollable
  • Header Fixed & Scrollable
  • Sidemenu Closed
  • Icon Text Menu
  • Icon Overlay
  • Detached
  • Double Menu
Theme Colors
  • Menu Light
  • Menu Dark
  • Menu Color
  • Menu Gradient
  • Menu Transparent
  • Header Light
  • Header Dark
  • Header Color
  • Header Gradient
  • Header Transparent
  • Theme Primary
  • Theme Background
  • Menu With Background Images
Template Features
No Jquery Dark Layout RTL Ready
Icons Authentication Pages Error Pages
180+ NextJS Pages Easy to Customize React-Bootstrap Responsive Framework
Form Elements Maps Ratings
Form Advanced Form wizards Profile Settings
Grid JS Tables Data Tables Gallery
Apex Charts Chartjs Charts Echarts
Full Calendar Sweet Alerts Swiper JS
Blog Pages Mail App Chat
File Manager Invoice Landing Page
Pricing Profile Placeholders
Ecommerce Pages Job Pages Task Pages
NFT Pages CRM Pages Crypto Pages
Form Validation Sortable Js Tour
24 * 7 Professional Company Support Media Player Under Construction Page
Color Theme Support (Primary and Background) Neat, clean and simple design W3C Validated
Getting Start Guide
Getting Started

Setting Up The Local Environment & Workspace

This comprehensive guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to set up your development environment Nextjs tool. It covers everything from the necessary prerequisites to installing the tool, creating an initial workspace, and setting up a starter app. You'll also learn how to run the app locally to test and verify your setup. By following this guide, you can ensure that your development environment is properly configured for Nextjs, and you can get started with your project confidently and efficiently. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, this guide is an essential resource for anyone looking to work with Nextjs.

To get started with a Nextjs application, there are three prerequisites that you need to have in place.

To use the NextJs Typescript Framework, you should be familiar with the following:
  • NextJs
  • React Bootstrap
  • Typescript
Knowledge of Typescript is helpful.
Xintra - File Generate
Creating a Component

The easiest way to create a component is with the React CLI. You can also create a component manually.

Creating a component using the React CLI

To create a component using the React CLI:

  1. From a terminal window, navigate to the directory containing your application
  2. Run the generate-react-cli component <component-name> command, where <component-name> is the name of your new component.
generate-react-cli component <component-name>
By default, this command creates the following:
  • A folder named after the component
  • A component file, <component-name>.component
  • A template file, <component-name>.component.tsx
  • A CSS file, <component-name>.component.css
  • A testing specification file, <component-name>.component.spec.ts
Where <component-name> is the name of your component.

Installation Process
Nextjs configuration
Step: 1 Open your terminal or command prompt and run the following command to create a new Next.js app:

npx create-next-app@latest

Step: 2 After installation, change the directory to your project folder using the command:

cd Projectname

Step: 3 After creating a Next.js app, you can find the package.json file in the root directory of your project. Within this file, you'll find several scripts pre-configured by default:

{ "scripts": { "dev": "next dev", "build": "next build", "start": "next start", "lint": "next lint" } }

These scripts refer to the different stages of developing an application:
  • dev: runs next dev to start Next.js in development mode.
  • build: runs next build to build the application for production usage.
  • start: runs next start to start a Next.js production server.
  • lint: runs next lint to set up Next.js' built-in ESLint configuration.
Step: 4 Start the Development Server: Next, start the development server by running:

npm run dev

Xintra Next.js Setup

Note: you have already download and install node.js and Next.js then ignore prerequisites.


Download latest version of node.js from

Install Node.js using downloaded file. To check your node version, run node -v in a terminal/console window (cmd)


To install the Next.js using npm, open a terminal/console window and run the following command.

npm install (or) yarn install

Final installation of Xintra Next.js

Setup an Xintra Template by Download the Xintra-ts rar/zip file. then Extract it and then go in to Folder here you will see a XintraJS Folder

You can import all dependency by installing npm command

npm install (or) yarn install

Now you are in stage to successfully run sash using below command:

npm run dev (or) yarn run dev

Once you serve your application by default it will take their default port using http://localhost:3000/


If your are using "npm install", You should need to delete the "yarn-lock file" from project root.

If your are using "yarn install", You should need to delete the "package-lock.json file" from project root.

To install the peer Depencies

In general, the npm i command is used to install all dependencies or devDependencies from a package. However, sometimes you may encounter errors while installing certain dependencies. In such cases, the --force argument can be used to force npm to install those dependencies.

The --force argument overrides any previously installed dependencies and fetches remote resources even if a local copy exists on disk. It follows a "last-dependency-downloaded-wins" approach, which means that it will overwrite any previously downloaded dependencies.

Using the --force argument can be helpful when you need to install a specific dependency that is causing issues during installation. However, it should be used with caution, as it can potentially cause conflicts with other dependencies or lead to unexpected behavior. It's always a good idea to thoroughly test your application after using the --force argument to ensure that everything is working as expected.

npm install --force

When installing packages using npm, if there are peer dependency issues, npm will always skip the installation of peer dependencies, even if there are no issues. Peer dependencies are a specific type of dependency that a package requires to function properly, but which are not managed by that package's dependency manager.

Skipping the installation of peer dependencies can sometimes lead to issues with the functionality or compatibility of the package. To ensure that your package functions correctly, it's important to manually install any missing peer dependencies using the npm install command. When installing peer dependencies, you should also be aware of the potential for conflicts with other packages or dependencies. It's a good idea to carefully review the peer dependencies required by each package and ensure that they are compatible with other packages in your project. By taking these steps, you can avoid potential issues and ensure that your packages are installed and functioning correctly.

npm install--legacy-peer-deps

We have to use only one file example: (for yarn yarn-lock) & (for npm package-lock.json) file

For Build your Template

Build your application for host on server using below command:

yarn run build (or) npm run build

Installation Video
Folder Structure

        ├── app/
        |	|-- (components)/
        |	|-- |-- (authentication-layout)/
        |	|-- |-- |-- authentication/
        |	|-- |-- └── layout.tsx
        |	├── |-- (content-layout)/
        |	|   |-- |-- advanced-ui/
        |	|   |-- |-- |-- acoordions-collapse/
        |	|   |-- |-- └── |--page.tsx
        |	|   |-- └── layout.tsx
        |	|-- |-- (landing-layout)/
        |	|-- └──- layout.tsx
        |	|-- api/
        |	|-- favicon.ico
        |	|-- globals.scss
        |	|-- layout.tsx
        |	|-- not-found.tsx
        |	|-- page.tsx
        |	|-- plugin.d.ts
        ├── public/
        |	|-- assets/
        |	|-- next.svg
        |	| vercel.svg
        ├── shared/
        |	|-- @spk-reusable-components/
        |	|-- data/
        |	|-- firebase/
        |	|-- layout-components/
        |	└── redux
        ├── eslintrc.json
        ├── next-env.d.ts
        ├── next.config.mjs
        ├── package-lock.json
        ├── package.json
        └── tsconfig.json
Folders Description
  • Xintra - NextJs Typescript App-Router Admin Dashboard Template / : Root template folder contain all tsx, scss, images and other files.
    • app/ : For server-side routing, you can use Next.js's API routes feature.
      • (components)/: A grouping folder for four layouts. The parentheses indicate a grouping, not a route itself.
        • (authentication-layout)/ : A grouping folder for authentication-related pages.
        • (content-layout)/ : A grouping folder for components.
        • (landing-layout)/ : A grouping folder for landing pages.
      • api/: Serverless API route to handle contact form submissions.
      • global.scss/ :Global scss file applied to all pages.
      • layout.scss/ : Defines a layout that wraps all pages. Useful for common components like headers or footers.
      • notfound.scss/ :app/not-found handles global unmatched URLs.
      • page.tsx/ : The root index page component for your application.
    • public/
      • assets/:Stores static assets like images, accessible via /public/assets
    • shared/ :Reusable components and Data files that can be used across multiple pages.
    • eslintrtc.json : ESLint configuration file.
    • next-env.d.ts : Next.js environment declaration file.
    • next-config.js : Configuration file for customizing your Next.js setup.
    • package.json : Contains metadata about the project and its dependencies.
    • plugin.d.ts : Declaration file to handle package redeclaration errors.
    • : Project documentation and instructions.
    • tsconfig.json : TypeScript configuration file.
  • Creating Routes


    Each folder within the /app directory corresponds to a route. For example:

    • /app/(components)/(content-layout)/advanced-ui/accordions-collapse/page.tsx corresponds to the /accordions-collapse route.
    Nested Routes

    To create nested routes, simply nest folders. For example:

    • /app/(components)/(content-layout)/advanced-ui/accordions-collapse/page.tsx corresponds to the /accordion-scollapse route under the content-layout grouping.
    • layout.tsx in the /app directory defines a global layout.
    • You can create nested layouts by adding a layout.tsx file in subdirectories.
    • Parentheses around a folder name indicate a grouping and do not affect the route structure but help in organizing related routes.
StaterKit Guide
Purpose of a starter kit
Introduction to the NextJS Typescript Starter Kit Template:

The NextJS template starterkit is a resource that helps developers kickstart their NextJS web development projects by providing a preconfigured and ready-to-use template. It aims to simplify the initial setup and provide a foundation for building NextJS-based websites or applications.

Purpose of the NextJS Starter Kit Template:

The purpose of the NextJS Starter Kit Template is to save developers time and effort by offering a set of prebuilt files and configurations commonly used in NextJS projects. Instead of starting from scratch, developers can leverage the starter kit to quickly set up a project structure that adheres to best practices and industry standards.

Benefits of Using the NextJS Starter Kit Template:

The starter kit eliminates the need to set up the basic project structure manually. It provides a well-organized file and folder structure, including commonly used directories for separating code, templates, assets, and configuration files. This allows developers to focus more on implementing business logic rather than spending time on initial setup.
Before using the NextJS Starter Kit Template, developers should have a basic understanding of NextJS and web development concepts.

Starterkit Overview

You can use the Starterkit if you are creating a new project. It will be time-consuming to use the full admin version for a new project as Xintra-nextJs Typescript have more than 150 components.

We have provided all the pre-build layouts like Sidemenu, Header, footer and blank pages etc in the Starterkit.

For further information or support regarding the template, please contact us using the provided link.
Starterkit Folder Structure

                            ├── app/
                            |     ├── (components)/
                            |     |     ├── (authentication-layout)/
                            |     |     ├── (content-layout)/
                            |     |     └── layout.tsx
                            |     ├── api/
                            |     ├── favicon.ico
                            |     ├── global.scss
                            |     ├── layout.tsx
                            |     ├── not-found.tsx
                            |     ├── page.tsx
                            |     └── not-found.tsx
                            ├── public/
                            |      ├── assets/
                            |      ├── next.svg
                            |      └── vercel.svg
                            ├── shared/
                            |       ├── @spk-reusable-components/
                            |       ├── data/
                            |       ├── firebase/
                            |       ├── layout-components/
                            |       └── redux/
                            ├── eslintrtc.json
                            ├── gitignore
                            ├── next-env.d.ts
                            ├── next-config.js
                            ├── package-lock.json
                            ├── package.json
                            └── tsconfig.json
  • Take a quick look at the folder structure of the "Starterkit."
  • Integration of your customized NextJS pages becomes easy when using the "Starterkit."
  • The "Starterkit" provides all the layout components, related assets, and plugins.
  • To explore the contents of the "Starterkit," unzip the project folder received after purchase.

                    ├── app/
                    |   ├── (components)/
                    |   |   |     ├──(authentication-layout)/
                    |   |   |     |      ├──authentication/
                    |   |   |     |      └──layout.tsx
                    |   |   |     ├──(content-layout)/
                    |   |   |     |      ├──advanced-ui/
                    |   |   |     |      ├──apps/
                    |   |   |     |      ├──charts/
                    |   |   |     |      ├──dashboard/
                    |   |   |     |      ├──forms/
                    |   |   |     |      ├──icons/
                    |   |   |     |      ├──maps/
                    |   |   |     |      ├──nestedmenu/
                    |   |   |     |      ├──pages/
                    |   |   |     |      ├──tables/
                    |   |   |     |      ├──ui-elements/
                    |   |   |     |      ├──utilities/
                    |   |   |     |      ├──widgets/
                    |   |   |     |      └──layout.tsx
                    |   |   |     ├──(landing-layout)/
                    |   |   |     |      ├──landing/
                    |   |   |     |      └── layout.tsx
                    |   └── └──   └── layout.tsx

                    ├── public/
                    |   ├── assets/
                    |   |   |     ├──audio/
                    |   |   |     ├──css/
                    |   |   |     |   ├──icons.css/
                    |   |   |     |   ├──
                    |   |   |     |   ├──styles.css/
                    |   |   |     |   └──
                    |   |   |     ├── icon-fonts/
                    |   |   |     |      ├──bootstrap-icons/
                    |   |   |     |      ├──boxicons/
                    |   |   |     |      ├──feather/
                    |   |   |     |      ├──line-awesome/
                    |   |   |     |      ├──remixicons/
                    |   |   |     |      └──tabler-icons/
                    |   |   |     ├──images/
                    |   |   |     ├──scss/
                    |   |   |     |      ├──bootstrap/
                    |   |   |     |      ├──custom/
                    |   |   |     |      ├──global/
                    |   |   |     |      ├──menu-styles/
                    |   |   |     |      ├──pages/
                    |   |   |     |      ├──util/
                    |   |   |     |      ├──bootstrap.scss
                    |   |   |     |      ├──_switcher.scss
                    |   |   |     |      ├──_variables.scss
                    |   |   |     |      ├──icons.scss
                    |   |   |     |      └──styles.scss
                    |   └── └──   └──  video/
Main Layout
Basic Layout Structure


SideMenu Guide
Sidemenu Layout Structure

How to Add Menus to Sidebar.

In Next.js project, it can be easy to add menus to the sidebar by modifying the MenuItems array in the nav.tsx (shared\layout-components\sidebar\nav.tsx) file. The sidebar will dynamically display the menus based on the contents of this array. below are the steps as follows

Open nav.tsx File:

Open the nav.tsx (shared\layout-components\sidebar\nav.tsx) file in Next.js project. This file contains the MenuItems array that defines the menus to be displayed in the sidebar.

To add the parent Menu Items:

Inside the MenuItems array, you can add your menu items using the following format:

To add the children to Menu Items:

Inside the MenuItems array, you can add custome nested menu items using the following format:

  • menutitle: The display name of the menu.
  • title: The display name of the component.
  • selected: Set to true if this menu is currently selected.
  • icon: The icon to display next to the menu.
  • type: Specify the type of the menu item (link, sub and empty).
  • path: Specify the route path for link type menu.
  • active: Set to true to mark this menu as active.
  • dirchange: change the direction from right to left .
  • badgeClass (optional): CSS class for the badge.
  • badgeValue (optional): Text to display in the badge.
  • children: Define an array of child menu items for sub-menu type.
Save the Changes:

After adding your menu items, save the changes made to the nav.tsx (shared\layout-components\sidebar\nav.tsx) file.

View Sidebar Changes:

The sidebar will now automatically display the added menu items based on the modifications you made in the MenuItems array.

To Remove the Menu Items:

To remove menu items that you don't need, you can simply delete the corresponding object from the MenuItems array.

By following these steps, you can easily customize and add menus to the sidebar of your Next.tsx project. The menus will be dynamically generated based on the content of the MenuItems array in the nav.tsx file.

Next.js, a popular React framework, employs a simple and intuitive routing system that is based on the file structure of your project. This approach, known as file-based routing, offers developers a straightforward way to define routes and organize their application logic.


In a Next.js project, the app directory serves as the cornerstone of routing. Each file within this directory represents a unique route in the application.
  • For example:
    app/page.tsx corresponds to the root route (/),  while app/dashboard/sales corresponds to /sales.

Next.js routing, based on the file system, offers a streamlined and developer-friendly approach to defining routes in web applications. By leveraging the inherent structure of the project directory, Next.js simplifies route management while empowering developers to create dynamic, nested routes.

Basic Route

Following are the fundamental building blocks to creating a route.

        import React, { Fragment } from "react";
        import Link from 'next/link';
        import { useRouter } from "next/navigation";
            <Link href="/dashboard/sales">Sles
                    <Link href="/dashboard/analytics">Analytics
    Configure Link in Menu

    To Add new link in Sidemenu

    Following are the fundamental building blocks to creating a new link.

        ├── shared
                export const MENUITEMS: any = [
                  menutitle: "MAIN",
                  icon: DashboardIcon,
                  badgetxt: ,
                  title: "Dashboard",
                  type: "sub",
                  active: false,
                  children: [
                      path: "/dashboard/sales",
                      type: "link",
                      active: false,
                      selected: false,
                      dirchange: false, 
                      title: "Sales",
                      path: "/dashboard/analytics",
                      type: "link",
                      active: false,
                      selected: false,
                      dirchange: false, 
                      title: "Analytics",
                      path: "/dashboard/ecommere",
                      type: "link",
                      active: false,
                      selected: false,
                      dirchange: false, 
                      title: "Ecommerce",
Changing SCSS to CSS using the SASS Package
Introduction :

This documentation outlines the process of converting SCSS (Sassy CSS) files to standard CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) in a project's assets directory using the SASS package. SCSS is a preprocessor for CSS, and SASS is a popular choice for transforming SCSS into CSS efficiently. This guide provides step-by-step instructions on installing the SASS package, configuring it in your project, and converting SCSS files to CSS.

  • Prerequisites

    Before proceeding, ensure that you have the following prerequisites:

    Node.js installed on your system.

    A project directory with SCSS files that you want to compile into CSS.

Installation :

Install the SASS package using npm (Node Package Manager) by running the following command:

npm install sass

This command will download and install the SASS package and its dependencies into your project.

Configuration :

To configure SASS for your project, follow these steps:

  • 1. Open your project's package.json file. If you don't have one, you can create it by running npm init and following the prompts.

  • 2. Inside the package.json file, locate the "scripts" section. If it doesn't exist, create one:

    "scripts": { // ...existing scripts... }

  • 3. Add a script that specifies the compilation process from SCSS to CSS. You can name the script as you prefer, but for this example, we'll name it "sass." The script should look like this:

    "scripts": { "sass": "sass ./public/assets/scss:./public/assets/css/" }

    In the script above, replace ./public/assets/scss with the path to your SCSS files and ./public/assets/css with the destination directory for your compiled CSS files.

  • 4. Add a script that specifies the compilation compressed process from SCSS to CSS. You can name the script as you prefer, but for this example, we'll name it "sass-min." The script should look like this:

    "scripts": { "sass-min": "sass ./public/assets/scss:./public/assets/css/ --style compressed" }

    In the script above, replace ./public/assets/scss with the path to your SCSS files and ./public/assets/css with the destination directory for your compiled CSS files.

  • 5. Save the package.json file.

Compiling SCSS to CSS :

With the SASS package and script configured, you can now compile your SCSS files to CSS with the following steps:

  • 1. Open your terminal or command prompt.

  • 2. Navigate to your project's root directory if you're not already there.

  • 3. Execute the following command to run the "sass" script:

    npm run sass

    This command will initiate the SCSS to CSS compilation process using the SASS package.

  • 4. Execute the following command to run the "sass-min" script:

    npm run sass-min

    This command will initiate the SCSS to CSS compilation compressed process using the SASS package.

  • 5. Once the process is complete, the compiled CSS files will be generated in the specified destination directory (e.g., ./public/assets/css).

Conclusion :

You have successfully configured and used the SASS package to convert SCSS files to CSS in your project. This allows you to take advantage of SCSS's powerful features while ensuring that your web application uses standard CSS for styling.

Firebase Authentication Guide
Firebase SetUp

Step-1: Now run below commands inside our nextjs project to install firebase latest.

step-2: Add firebase API configuration details(create database on firebase) to the firebase Auth Component refer the path (/shared/firebase/firebaseapi.tsx)

Firebase Revocation process
To remove firebase from the project make sure that you have to remove the firebase tab from the (app\page.tsx). change the key variable to 'next.js' Example : const [key, setKey] = useState('next.js') in the the (app\page.tsx).
General Style

Step 1:

Go To style.scss (public/assets/scss/styles.scss )

if you want to change another font-family Go to the site Google Fonts And Select One font Family and import in to styles.scss file

How to Select font Family


Step 2:

And paste Your Selected font-family in style.scss


Step 3:

And add the Your Selected font-family in _variables.scss(src/assets/scss/_variables.scss)


    --default-font-family:    							"Montserrat", sans-serif;


By default menu icons are in the from remix icon if you want to change the icons please follow below steps
Step 1 :

To change Menu icons, open nav.tsx page Path: shared\layout-components\sidebar\nav.tsx and go through app-sidebar section, in that section you will find icontag, there you can replace previous icon with your icon. Example as shown in below


Go To "public/assets/images/brand-logos" folder and replace your logo with Previous Logos within in image size. note: Please don't increase logo sizes. Replace your logo within given image size. otherwise the logo will not fit in particular place it disturbs the template design.

To change Layout Theme

open reducer.tsx path:(shared\redux\reducer.tsx).

Theme Array Documentation

The theme array provided below is designed to control the layout and styling of a web application. By modifying the values in this array, you can change the visual appearance and behavior of various components in the application. The array includes settings related to color schemes, layout styles, header and menu styles, and more.

Initial State

The initial state of the theme array defines the default values for different aspects of the application's appearance and behavior. These values are used as a starting point and can be dynamically modified using the provided functions.

            let initialState = {
                lang: "en",                 // Default language
                dir: "ltr",                 // Default text direction (ltr or rtl)
                dataThemeMode: "light",             // Default color scheme (light or dark)
                dataMenuStyles: "light",     // Default menu style (dark, light, color, gradient, transparent)
                dataNavLayout: "vertical",  // Default navigation layout (vertical or horizontal)
                dataHeaderStyles: "transparent",  // Default header style (light, dark, color, gradient, transparent)
                dataVerticalStyle: "overlay", // Default vertical menu style (overlay, icon-text, detached, doublemenu)
                toggled: "",          // Default menu toggle state (open or closed)
                dataNavStyle: "",           // Default navigation style (menu-click, menu-hover, icon-click, icon-hover)
                dataPageStyle: "regular",   // Default page style (regular or classic)
                dataWidth: "default",     // Default page width (fullwidth or boxed)
                dataMenuPosition: "fixed",  // Default menu position (fixed or scrollable)
                dataHeaderPosition: "fixed",// Default header position (fixed or scrollable)
                loader:"disable",            / Default loader (enable or disable)
                iconOverlay: "",            // Default icon overlay state (empty)
                colorPrimaryRgb: "",        // Default primary color (RGB format)
                colorPrimary: "",           // Default primary color (space-separated RGB values)
                bodyBg1: "",                 // Default body background color1 (empty)
                bodyBg2: "",                 // Default body background color2 (empty)
                Light: "",                 // Default body background color (empty)
                Formcontrol: "",                 // Default body background color (empty)
                inputBorder: "",             // Default dark inputBorder color (empty)
                Graycolor: "",                 // Default dark background color (empty)
                bgImg: "",                  // Default background image (empty)
                iconText: "",               // Default icon text style (empty)
                body: {
                    class: ""               // Default body class (empty)

Theme Modification Functions

to Change the Modification Functions open switcherdata.tsx path:(shared\data\switcherdata\switcherdata.tsx).

The provided functions allow you to modify specific aspects of the theme array, enabling real-time customization of the application's appearance. Below are some of the key functions that can be used to change various theme properties:

  • Dark(actionfunction): Switches the theme to a dark color scheme. Updates class, header style, and menu style accordingly.
  • Light(actionfunction): Switches the theme to a light color scheme. Adjusts header and menu styles based on the navigation layout.
  • Ltr(actionfunction): Sets the text direction to left-to-right.
  • Rtl(actionfunction): Sets the text direction to right-to-left.
  • HorizontalClick(actionfunction): Changes the navigation layout to horizontal and adapts menu and vertical style based on the color scheme.
  • Vertical(actionfunction): Sets the navigation layout to vertical, adjusts menu and vertical style, and closes the menu if open.
  • Menuclick(actionfunction): Sets the navigation style to "menu-click," hides vertical style, and changes the toggle state.
  • MenuHover(actionfunction): Sets the navigation style to "menu-hover," hides vertical style, and changes the toggle state.
  • IconClick(actionfunction): Sets the navigation style to "icon-click," hides vertical style, and changes the toggle state.
  • IconHover(actionfunction): Sets the navigation style to "icon-hover," hides vertical style, and changes the toggle state.
  • Regular(actionfunction): Sets the page style to regular and removes the classic page style.
  • Classic(actionfunction): Sets the page style to classic and removes the regular page style.
  • Fullwidth(actionfunction): Sets the page width to full width and removes the boxed width.
  • Boxed(actionfunction): Sets the page width to boxed and removes the full width.
  • FixedMenu(actionfunction): Sets the menu position to fixed and removes the scrollable menu position.
  • scrollMenu(actionfunction): Sets the menu position to scrollable and removes the fixed menu position.
  • Headerpostionfixed(actionfunction): Sets the header position to fixed and removes the scrollable header position.
  • Headerpostionscroll(actionfunction): Sets the header position to scrollable and removes the fixed header position.
  • Defaultmenu(actionfunction): Sets the vertical menu style to default, closes the menu, and adjusts the navigation layout.
  • Closedmenu(actionfunction): Sets the vertical menu style to closed, adjusts the navigation layout, and changes the toggle state.
  • iconText(actionfunction): Sets the vertical menu style to icon-text, adjusts the navigation layout, and changes the toggle state.
  • iconOverayFn(actionfunction): Sets the vertical menu style to overlay with icons, adjusts the navigation layout, and changes the toggle state.
  • DetachedFn(actionfunction): Sets the vertical menu style to detached, adjusts the navigation layout, and changes the toggle state.
  • DoubletFn(actionfunction): Sets the vertical menu style to double menu, adjusts the navigation layout, and changes the toggle state.
  • colorMenu(actionfunction): Changes the menu style to color.
  • lightMenu(actionfunction): Changes the menu style to light.
  • darkMenu(actionfunction): Changes the menu style to dark.
  • gradientMenu(actionfunction): Changes the menu style to gradient.
  • transparentMenu(actionfunction): Changes the menu style to transparent.
  • lightHeader(actionfunction): Changes the header style to light.
  • darkHeader(actionfunction): Changes the header style to dark.
  • colorHeader(actionfunction): Changes the header style to color.
  • gradientHeader(actionfunction): Changes the header style to gradient.
  • transparentHeader(actionfunction): Changes the header style to transparent.
  • primaryColor1(actionfunction) to primaryColor5(actionfunction): Changes the primary color of the theme.
  • backgroundColor1(actionfunction) to backgroundColor5(actionfunction): Changes the background color of the theme.
  • Themeprimarycolor(actionfunction): Provides a color picker interface to dynamically change the primary color of the theme.
  • Themebackgroundcolor(actionfunction): Provides a color picker interface to dynamically change the background color of the theme.
  • bgImage1(actionfunction) to bgImage5(actionfunction): Changes the background image of the theme.
  • Reset(actionfunction): Resets the theme to its initial state, clearing all customization.
Disabling Switcher


Open header.tsx component shared\layout-components\header\header.tsx

To remove switcher section as shown below.

            <Link href="#!" scroll={false} className="header-link switcher-icon" data-bs-toggle="offcanvas" data-bs-target="#switcher-canvas" onClick={() => Switchericon()}>
            <svg xmlns="" className="w-6 h-6 header-link-icon" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24" strokeWidth="1.5" stroke="currentColor">
            <path strokeLinecap="round" strokeLinejoin="round" d="M9.594 3.94c.09-.542.56-.94 1.11-.94h2.593c.55 0 1.02.398 1.11.94l.213 1.281c.063.374.313.686.645. 1.075.124l1.217-.456a1.125 1.125 0 0 1 1.37.49l1.296 2.247a1.125 1.125 0 0 1-.26 1.431l-1.003.827c-.293.241-.438.613-.43.992a7.723 7.723 0 0 1 0 .255c-.008.378. 1.43l-1.298 2.247a1.125 1.125 0 0 1-1.369.491l-1.217-.456c-.355-.133-.75-.072-1.076.124a6.47 6.47 0 0 1-.22.128c-.331.183-.581.495-.644.869l-.213 1.281c-.09.543-.56.94-1.11.94h-2.594c-.55 0-1.019-.398-1.11-.94l-.213-1.281c-.062-.374-.312-.686-.644-.87a6.52 6.52 0 0 1-.22-.127c-.325-.196-.72-.257-1.076-.124l-1.217.456a1.125 1.125 0 0 1-1.369-.49l-1.297-2.247a1.125 1.125 0 0 1 .26-1.431l1.004-.827c.292-.24.437-.613.43-.991a6.932 6.932 0 0 1 0-.255c.007-.38-.138-.751-.43-.992l-1.004-.827a1.125 1.125 0 0 1-.26-1.43l1.297-2.247a1.125 1.125 0 0 1 1.37-.491l1.216.456c.356.133.751.072 1.076-.124.072-.044.146-.086.22-.128.332-.183.582-.495.644-.869l.214-1.28Z" />
            <path strokeLinecap="round" strokeLinejoin="round" d="M15 12a3 3 0 1 1-6 0 3 3 0 0 1 6 0Z" />

Remove the switcher component from the main layout follow the path Path: app\(components)\(content-layout)\layout.tsx

        import Switcher from "@/shared/layout-components/switcher/switcher"
        <Switcher />

Now remove the switcher component and switcherData file from the root folder, follow the path Switcher component shared\layout-components\switcher\switcher.tsx and switcherdata file from /shared\data\switcherdata


Open layout.tsx component \apps/components/authentication-layout/layout.tsx

To remove switcher section as shown below.

        import Switcher from "@/shared/layout-components/switcher/switcher"
        <Switcher />

Remove theLandingSwitcher component from the main layout follow the path \app\(components)\(landing-layout)\layout.tsx

                import Landingswitcher from '@/shared/layout-components/switcher/landing-switcher'
                <Landingswitcher /> 

Now remove the landingswitcher component from the root folder, follow the path \shared\layout-components\switcher\landing-switcher.tsx and

Switcher Theme styles

                                    <html lang="en" dir="ltr" data-nav-layout="vertical" data-theme-mode="light" data-header-styles="light" data-menu-styles="dark" data-toggled="close"></html>
Attribute Description
data-theme-mode="light" data-header-styles="light" data-menu-styles="light" To set the light theme
data-theme-mode="dark" data-header-styles="dark" data-menu-styles="dark" To set the Dark theme
dir="ltr" To set LTR version default
dir="rtl" To set LTR version to RTL version
data-nav-layout="vertical" To set menu layout to vertical
data-nav-layout="horizontal" data-nav-style="menu-click" To set menu layout to horizontal
data-nav-style="menu-click" To set navigation style to menu click - *Works same for both vertical and horizontal
data-nav-style="menu-hover" To set navigation style to menu hover - *Works same for both vertical and horizontal
data-nav-style="icon-click" To set navigation style to icon click - *Works same for both vertical and horizontal
data-nav-style="icon-hover" To set navigation style to icon hover - *Works same for both vertical and horizontal
data-page-style="regular" To set page style to Default
data-page-style="classic" To set page style to Classic
data-width="default" To set page width to Default Width
data-width="fullwidth" To set page width to Full Width
data-width="boxed" To set page width to Boxed
data-menu-position="fixed" To set menu position Fixed
data-menu-position="scrollable" To set menu position Scrollable
data-header-position="fixed" To set header position Fixed
data-header-position="scrollable" To set header position Scrollable
data-vertical-style="closed" To set sidemenu layout style Closed - *Does not work for horizontal
data-vertical-style="icontext" To set sidemenu layout style Icon Text - *Does not work for horizontal
data-vertical-style="overlay" To set sidemenu layout style Icon Overlay - *Does not work for horizontal
data-vertical-style="detached" To set sidemenu layout style Detached - *Does not work for horizontal
data-vertical-style="doublemenu" To set sidemenu layout style Double Menu - *Does not work for horizontal
loader="enable" To enable loader by default
Switcher Theme Colors

                                    <html lang="en" dir="ltr" data-nav-layout="vertical" data-theme-mode="light" data-header-styles="light" data-menu-styles="dark" data-toggled="close"></html>
Attribute Description
data-menu-styles="light" To set the menu style to light
data-menu-styles="dark" To set the menu style to dark
data-menu-styles="color" To set the menu style to color
data-menu-styles="gradient" To set the menu style to gradient
data-menu-styles="transparent" To set the menu style to transparent
data-header-styles="light" To set the header style to light
data-header-styles="dark" To set the header style to dark
data-header-styles="color" To set the header style to color
data-header-styles="gradient" To set the header style to gradient
data-header-styles="transparent" To set the header style to transparent
data-bg-img="bgimg1" To set menu background image1
data-bg-img="bgimg2" To set menu background image2
data-bg-img="bgimg3" To set menu background image3
data-bg-img="bgimg4" To set menu background image4
data-bg-img="bgimg5" To set menu background image5
Icons Credit

Refer following links for usage:

Icons References
Bootstrap Icons
Remix Icons
Feather Icons
Tabler Icons
Line Awesome Icons
Images Credit

Refer following links for usage:

Fonts Credit

Refer following links for usage:

Sidemenu Icons

Refer following links for usage:


All plugins runs through npm.

If you want new plugins : Install new plugin from npm then run npm run dev command.

Plugin Version URL
Next v15.0.3
React v18.0
Typescript v5
Mui v6.1.15
Redux v5.0.1
Firebase v11.0.1
Swiper v11.1.14
Sweet alerts2 v11.14.5
Yet-another-react-lightbox v3.21.6
Full Calendar v6.1.15
React-leaflet v4.2.1
React-apexcharts v1.5.0
React-chartjs-2 v5.2.0
Echarts-for-react v3.0.2
Simplebar-react v3.2.6
Suneditor-react v3.6.1
React-filepond v7.1.2
React-range-slider-input v3.0.7
React-range v1.10.0
React-select v5.8.2
React-dropdownselect v4.11.3
React-gridjs v6.1.1
React-table v7.8.0
React-countup v6.5.3
React-toastify v10.0.5
React-audio-player v0.17.0
React-dragula v1.1.17
React-dual-listbox v6.0.3
React-country-state-city v1.1.3
Shepherd.js v13.0.13
React-color-palette v7.1.1
React Swiper JS :
React Swiper is a modern, feature-packed carousel component for React, offering smooth transitions, touch support, and advanced features like autoplay and lazy loading. It’s a flexible, performance-driven alternative to traditional carousels like Bootstrap.
1. You need to add these files to make it work.

Type URL
Plugin Link
React-ApexCharts is a React wrapper for the popular ApexCharts library, enabling the easy creation of interactive, responsive charts. It offers a wide range of chart types and customization options with seamless React integration.
1. You need to add these files to make react-apexchart work.

export const Linebasicseries = [{
    name: "Desktops",
    data: [10, 41, 35, 51, 49, 62, 69, 91, 148]
  export const Linebasicoptions: any = {
    chart: {
      height: 320,
      type: 'line',
      zoom: {
        enabled: false
    colors: ['#5c67f7'],
    dataLabels: {
      enabled: false
    stroke: {
      curve: 'straight',
      width: 3,
    grid: {
      borderColor: '#f2f5f7',
    title: {
      text: 'Product Trends by Month',
      align: 'left',
      style: {
        fontSize: '13px',
        fontWeight: 'bold',
        color: '#8c9097'
    xaxis: {
      categories: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep'],
      labels: {
        show: true,
        style: {
          colors: "#8c9097",
          fontSize: '11px',
          fontWeight: 600,
          cssClass: 'apexcharts-xaxis-label',
    yaxis: {
      labels: {
        show: true,
        style: {
          colors: "#8c9097",
          fontSize: '11px',
          fontWeight: 600,
          cssClass: 'apexcharts-yaxis-label',

React Suneditor :
React SunEditor is a lightweight, customizable WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor for React, providing rich text editing features. It supports various formats, plugins, and is highly extensible for smooth integration into React applications.
1. You need to add these files to make basic react-suneditor work.

React FlatPicker
React Flatpickr is a React wrapper for the Flatpickr date picker library, offering a lightweight and customizable solution for selecting dates and times. It provides smooth integration, supports various date formats, and includes features like range selection, time picking, and more.
1. You need to add these files to make basic react-flatpicker work.

React Select :
React Select is a flexible, customizable dropdown/select input component for React, offering features like multi-select, search, and async options. It provides an intuitive, user-friendly interface with advanced styling and accessibility support.
1. You need to add these files to make basic react-select work.

interface Selectoption {
        value: string;
        label: string;
    export const Selectoption1: Selectoption[] = [
        { value: "Selection-1", label: "Selection-1" },
        { value: "Selection-2", label: "Selection-2" },
        { value: "Selection-3", label: "Selection-3" },
        { value: "Selection-4", label: "Selection-4" },
        { value: "Selection-5", label: "Selection-5" }

React GridJs :
React Grid.js is a React wrapper for the Grid.js table library, enabling the creation of interactive, customizable, and responsive data tables. It supports features like sorting, filtering, pagination, and inline editing, with a focus on performance and easy integration into React projects.
1. You need to add below files to make basic gridjs table work.

export const Data = [
	["24-10-2022 12:47", "john", "", "#12012", "$1799", "1", "$1799"],
	["12-09-2022 04:24", "mark", "", "#12013", "$2479", "2", "$4958"],
	["18-11-2022 18:43", "eoin", "", "#12014", "$769", "1", "$769"],
	["10-09-2022 10:35", "sarahcdd", "", "#12015", "$1299", "3", "$3997"],
	["27-10-2022 09:55", "afshin", "", "#12016", "$1449", "1", "$1449"]
type GridData = Array<[string, string, string, string, string, string, string]>;
export const Data1 = (): Promise => {
	return new Promise(resolve => {
		setTimeout(() =>
				["24-10-2022 12:47", "john", "", "#12012", "$1799", "1", "$1799"],
				["12-09-2022 04:24", "mark", "", "#12013", "$2479", "2", "$4958"],
				["18-11-2022 18:43", "eoin", "", "#12014", "$769", "1", "$769"],
				["10-09-2022 10:35", "sarahcdd", "", "#12015", "$1299", "3", "$3997"],
				["27-10-2022 09:55", "afshin", "", "#12016", "$1449", "1", "$1449"]
			]), 2000);

Basic Table :
React Basic tables are simple, customizable table components for displaying structured data in a clean and responsive layout
1. You need to add these files to make basic default table work.

interface Basic {
export const Basictable:Basic[] = [
    {id:1, name:"Mark", date:"21,Dec 2023", number:"+1234-12340", status:"Completed", color:"primary"},
    {id:2, name:"Monika", date:"29,April 2023", number:"+1523-12459", status:"Failed", color:"secondary"},
    {id:3, name:"Madina", date:"30,Nov 2023", number:"+1982-16234", status:"Successful", color:"success"},
    {id:4, name:"Bhamako", date:"18,Mar 2023", number:"+1526-10729", status:"Pending", color:"warning"},

React Data Tables :
React DataTables is a flexible, feature-rich table component for React that simplifies the process of displaying and managing large datasets. It includes built-in support for sorting, pagination, search, and filtering, and can be easily customized for a seamless integration into React applications.
1. You need to add these files to make React data-table work.

React Toastify :
React Toastify is a lightweight and easy-to-use notification library for React that allows you to display customizable, non-blocking toast messages. It supports various notification types, automatic dismissal, and seamless integration, enhancing the user experience with minimal setup.
1. You need to add these files to make react toastify work.

React Ratings(MUI) :
React Material-UI Ratings is a component that integrates Material-UI's design system to create customizable, interactive rating systems in React applications. It allows users to easily select a rating through stars or other symbols, with built-in support for customization, accessibility, and styling.
1. You need to add these files to make react rating work.
Alerts :
React Bootstrap Alerts are pre-styled, customizable alert components that integrate Bootstrap's alert system with React. They provide an easy way to display important messages or notifications, with built-in support for different styles (success, error, info, etc.), dismissible functionality, and seamless React integration.
1. You need to add these files to make alerts work.

Buttons :
React Bootstrap Buttons are pre-styled, responsive button components that follow Bootstrap’s design system, offering various styles, sizes, and colors. They provide an easy-to-use and customizable solution for creating interactive buttons in React applications, with support for icons, loading states, and more.
1. You need to add these files to make buttons work.

Badges :
React Bootstrap Badges are small, customizable components used to display labels, notifications, or counters within your React application. They integrate seamlessly with Bootstrap’s design system and support various styles, colors, and positions, making them ideal for highlighting important information or adding context to UI elements like buttons, links, or navigation items.
1. You need to add these files to make badges work.

Button Group :
React Bootstrap Button Group is a component that allows you to group multiple buttons together, providing a clean, unified look and facilitating interactions like toggling or switching between options. It integrates seamlessly with Bootstrap's button styles and offers customization options for size, alignment, and behavior within React applications.
1. You need to add these files to make button group work.

Cards :
React Bootstrap Cards are versatile, customizable components for displaying content in a flexible, structured layout. They integrate Bootstrap’s card system with React, allowing you to create various types of content containers with options for images, headers, footers, and more, making them ideal for building rich, responsive UI elements.
1. You need to add these files to make cards work.

Breadcrumb :
React Bootstrap Breadcrumb is a navigation component that displays a series of links to help users understand their location within a hierarchical structure. It seamlessly integrates with Bootstrap’s breadcrumb styling, offering customizable options for separators, active links, and responsive behavior in React applications.
1. You need to add these files to make breadcrumb work.

Dropdown :
React Bootstrap Dropdown is a component that provides a simple way to create dropdown menus in React applications, following Bootstrap's design conventions. It supports various options like single or multi-level menus, alignment, and customization of triggers (e.g., buttons or links), making it easy to build responsive, interactive dropdowns with minimal effort.
1. You need to add these files to make dropdown work.

Tooltips :
React Bootstrap Tooltips are small, customizable pop-up elements that provide additional information when users hover over or focus on an element. Built on Bootstrap’s tooltip system, they offer easy integration in React applications, supporting various customization options like positioning, trigger events, and animations for a better user experience.
1. You need to add these files to make tooltipss work.

interface direction {
	id: number
	text: string
export const Tooltipdirtooltip: direction[] = [
	{ id: 1, text: "top" },
	{ id: 2, text: "right" },
	{ id: 3, text: "bottom" },
	{ id: 4, text: "left" }

Popovers :
React Bootstrap Popovers are interactive components that display additional content or information when users click or hover over an element. Built on Bootstrap’s popover system, they offer easy integration in React applications, with support for customizable content, placement, and triggers, allowing you to enhance the user interface with rich, contextual overlays.
1. You need to add these files to make yaireo/dragsort work.

Progress :
React Bootstrap Progress is a component that allows you to display progress bars in React applications, indicating the completion status of tasks or operations. It integrates seamlessly with Bootstrap’s progress bar styles, supporting features like custom labels, striped animations, and varying bar colors for easy customization and responsiveness.
1. You need to add these files to make Progress work.

List Group :
React Bootstrap ListGroup is a component for creating lists of items with consistent styling and behavior, using Bootstrap's list group system. It supports features like custom item content, active states, badges, and links, making it easy to build interactive and organized lists in React applications with full customization options.
1. You need to add these files to make List Group work.

React Bootstrap Toast is a component for displaying lightweight, non-blocking notifications or messages in React applications. It integrates with Bootstrap’s toast system, offering features like auto-dismiss, customizable timing, and different styling options for success, error, or info messages, making it easy to provide feedback to users in a clean and responsive way.
1. You need to add these files to make toast work.

Accordions :
React Bootstrap Accordion is a component that allows you to display collapsible content panels in a stack, ideal for organizing large amounts of content in a compact, interactive layout. It integrates with Bootstrap’s accordion system, supporting features like multiple or single panel expansion, custom styling, and smooth animations, making it easy to create dynamic, space-efficient UIs in React applications.
1. You need to add these files to make accordions work.


Carousel :
React Bootstrap Carousel is a component for creating responsive, interactive image sliders or carousels in React applications. It integrates seamlessly with Bootstrap’s carousel system, offering features like slide transitions, controls, indicators, and automatic cycling, allowing you to display a series of content in an engaging and user-friendly way.
1. You need to add these files to make carousel work.


Theme styles

Please follow the below steps to change Primary Color
Step 1 :

To change Primary Color you have to open _variables.scss file and replace what color you want as shown in below

Rootpath : _variables.scss (public/assets/scss/_variables.scss )

Note-1: After making the change, run the npm run sass command.
Please follow the below steps to change Dark body Color
Step 1 :

Make sure the theme is set completely to dark mode by adding the following attributes to the html tag data-theme-mode="dark" data-header-styles="dark" data-menu-styles="dark"

Step 2 :

To change Dark body Color you have to open _variables.scss file and replace what color you want as shown in below

Rootpath : _variables.scss (public/assets/scss/_variables.scss )

Step 3 :

Also Change the following variable colors to the desired theme background accordingly in [data-theme-mode="dark"]

--light-rgb :
--form-control-bg :
--body-bg-rgb2 :
--input-border :
--gray-3 :
Note-1: After making the changes, run the npm run sass command.