Theme Color Mode:
Navigation Styles:
Navigation Menu Style:
Sidemenu Layout Syles:
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Menu Positions:
Header Positions:
Menu Colors:
Header Colors:
Theme Primary:
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Menu With Background Image:
Cart Items0
Wireless freedom with crystal-clear sound and comfortable
Both fashion and functionality.
Add natural beauty to your space
Crafted from soft, breathable fabric and adorned with delightful
ultimate in wearable technology,combining cutting-edge
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And here's some amazing content. It's very engaging. Right?
Popover With Primary Header
Popover With Secondary Header
Popover With Info Header
Popover With warning Header
Popover With succuss Header
Popover With danger Header
Popover With primary background
Popover With secondary background
Popover With info background
Popover With warning background
Popover With success background
Popover With danger background
The Icon Popover
This is a popover body with supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content.