App Title & Logos
The file size should not be more than 5MB
The file size should not be more than 5MB
The file size should not be more than 5MB
The file size should not be more than 5MB
The file size should not be more than 5MB
Global Language Settings
Global Date & Time Format
First Day Of The Week
Global Timezones
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Color Settings
rgb(12, 191, 159)
rgb(0, 204, 255)
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Custom CSS & JS

Write styles using style tag like,

Write script using script tag like, <script> document.getElementById("hello").innerHTML = "Hello World!"; </script>

Google Login Credentials

Enable / disable app credentials for Google login

Facebook Login Credentials

Enable / disable app credentials for Facebook login

Twitter Login Credentials

Enable / disable app credentials for twitter login

Github Login Credentials

Enable / disable app credentials for github login

Google Re-Captcha Settings
Captcha Setting In Forms
Paypal Settings
Stripe Settings
Razorpay Settings
Paystack Settings
Manual Payment Methods
Purchase Code